Here are a list of Jaws keystrokes you can use to navigate around a word document
Description Keystroke
Move to start of document Hold onto CTRL and press HOME
Move to end of document Hold onto CTRL and press END
Stop reading Press CTRL
Say current letter Press 5 on the Number Pad
Say next letter Press RIGHT ARROW
Say prior letter Press LEFT ARROW
Say current word Hold onto INSERT and press 5 on the Number Pad
Spell current word Hold onto INSERT and press 5 on the number pad twice quickly
Say next word Hold onto INSERT and press RIGHT ARROW
Say prior word Hold onto INSERT and press LEFT ARROW
Say current line Hold onto INSERT and press UP ARROW
Say next line Press DOWN ARROW
Say prior line Press UP ARROW
Say current sentence Hold onto ALT and press 5 on the number pad
Say next sentence Hold onto ALT and press the DOWN ARROW
Say prior sentence Hold onto ALT and press UP ARROW
Say all Hold onto INSERT and press DOWN ARROW
Exercise 2 Reading the Gettysburg Address
With the Gettysburg Address open follow these steps to practice reading a document with Jaws.
Hold onto CTRL and press END to go to the bottom of the speech
Hold onto CTRL and press HOME to go to the top of the speech
Hold onto INSERT and press DOWN ARROW to have Jaws begin reading the speech to you
Press CTRL to stop Jaws from reading
Hold onto INSERT and press 5 on the Number Pad to say current word
Hold onto INSERT and press 5 on the number pad twice quickly to spell current word
Hold onto INSERT and press RIGHT ARROW to say the next word
Hold onto INSERT and press LEFT ARROW to say the previous word
Press 5 on the Number Pad to say the current letter
Press RIGHT ARROW to say the next letter
Press LEFT ARROW to say previous letter
Hold onto INSERT and press UP ARROW to say current line
Press DOWN ARROW to go to the next line
Press UP ARROW to go to the previous line
Hold onto ALT and press 5 on the number pad to say the current sentence
Hold onto ALT and press the DOWN ARROW to say the next sentence
Hold onto ALT and press UP ARROW to say the previous sentence
Again, while holding Ctrl press Home
That goes back to the top of the document
Now read through the whole speech by holding onto the Insert key and pressing down arrow.
nice write up. more Microsoft Word tips & Hidden Features.