The Victor Reader Stream is a multimedia device produced by Humanware. The device allows users to play Talking Books Produced by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, other downloadable audio books, text files created on Microsoft Notepad, downloadable music files, and audio notes. The Adaptive Services Division of the DC Public Library has created a basic curriculum for the device for the benefit of our users. This curriculum includes an introduction to the functions of the device and how to use the device to download NLS talking books.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Introduction to the Victor Reader Stream.
The Top of the Player
On the top right is the power port.
It is a small circular hole.
The SD Card is in a long horizontal slit on the top center of the player.
The USB port is located on the top left hand side of the player it is a small rectangular shaped hole.
The Left Hand Side of the Player
On top of the left hand side of the player is a small circular button.
That button is the player’s power button.
Hold down on the power button until the Victor Reader Stream beeps.
It will say "Welcome to Victor Reader."
The Victor Reader Stream will pick up from its last location before it was turned off.
Below the power button are the volume control and speed control keys.
The key facing the top of the player increases the volume and speed wile the one facing the bottom decreases the volume and speed.
The Right Hand Side of the Player
Toward the top of the player there are two small holes arranged vertically.
The hole on the top is for headphones.
The hole on the bottom is for a microphone.
On the lower half of the right hand side of the player is the record button.
Users are able to locate the record button by finding the patches of raised dots.
The button is in the center of those patches of raised dots and has one raised dot in its center.
The Go to Key
To the top front of the player are two sets of speakers.
Below the speakers is a square shaped button on the left and a diamond shaped button on the right.
The square button is the "Go to Key" and allows users to navigate to different positions within documents.
Press it once and enter the page number then press pound (#).
After pressing pound the Victor Reader Stream will confirm the page number you chose.
Users may also simply press the play key.
If a user presses the "Go to Key" and then presses play by itself without entering a number, the Victor Reader Stream will direct them to the beginning of the book.
If the user presses the "Go to Key" followed by the fast forward key, the Victor Reader Stream will direct them to the end of the book.
The Bookmark Key
The diamond button allows users to bookmark sections of documents.
To bookmark a section of a book, press the bookmark key twice or hold down on the bookmark key.
The Victor Reader Stream bookmarks sections of books in numerical order.
To return to a bookmarked section, press the bookmark key then press the number of the bookmark you wished. afterward, press pound (#).
The Victor Reader Stream will confirm the bookmarked section.
Or press play and the Victor Reader Stream will simply play from the section.
The Numerical Keypad
Below the square and diamond shaped buttons is a numeric keypad.
Like a telephone, numbers 1,2, and 3 are on the top of the keypad.
The Star (*) key, zero key, and pound (#) are the bottom of the numeric key pad.
The number 5 key is in the center.
The 5 key includes a raised element making it easier to find
On either side of the 5 button is the 4 and 6 button
Immediately below the 5 button is the 8 button.
On either side of the 8 button is the 7 button on the left and the 9 button on the right.
The Compass
The 2, 8, 4 and 6 buttons act as a compass.
The 2 points up.
The 8 points down.
The 4 points left.
The 6 points right.
Sleep, Play, Stop, Rewind and Fast Forward
Below the numeric key pad is a dividing line.
Below the dividing line is an oval shaped button.
The oval shaped button is the "sleep" button.
The sleep feature functions in fifteen minute increments.
If pressed multiple times the segments increase by fifteen minutes.
After a sleep segment ends, the player shuts down.
Below the sleep button are the last three buttons on the bottom of the player.
The rectangle in the center is the play and pause button.
To the left of the play/pause button is the rewind button.
If pressed and held it will jump back one minute then 5 minutes then fifteen minutes and so on.
To the right of the play/pause button is the fast forward button.
If pressed and held it will jump ahead one minute then 5 minutes then fifteen minutes and so on.
Use the 1 Key to navigate the Victor Reader Stream bookshelves.
The Victor Reader Stream has several bookshelves.
The first is for NLS Talking Books.
The second is for Other Downloadable Books.
The third is for Podcasts.
The fourth is for Text Files.
The fifth is for Recorded Notes.
To navigate between items on the bookshelf, press the 1 Key until the desired section is reached.
To access the user guide, press the 1 key and hold.
The 3 key is used to delete books and elements.
After pressing it once, press the Pound (#) Key to confirm you want to delete that book or element.
The 5 Key announces the position of the book without interrupting the reading.
The 7 key is the menu
It is used to customize the Victor Reader Stream’s configuration
The 9 Key determines playback mode
It is also used for random play in the music folder.
The 0 Key is the information key.
Press it once and the Victor Reader Stream will announce information about the book and the Stream itself.
The 2 and the 8 keys are use to determine the level of desired navigation
There are two choices level one and level two.
Level One the majority of the time means Chapter.
Level Two the majority of the time means Section.
After determining the level of navigation, the 4 and 6 keys will navigate along those lines.
Use the 4 key to move forward an element.
For example, once in the talking book section of the stream use the 4 Key to move forward through book titles.
Use the 6 key to move backward through elements.
Downloading Talking Books onto the Victor Reader Stream
These instructions involve using the Victor Reader Stream companion software. If you do not have the Victor Reader Stream companion software, it is available for free at:
Part 1: Searching for BARD Books
Begin at the desktop with no other windows, except JAWS, running.
Press the Windows Key.
The Start Menu should open.
Down Arrow to the All Programs option.
Press Enter.
Tap on the Down Arrow key until JAWS says Internet Explorer.
(Note: do not hold down on the arrow keys, but gently tap each one).
When the website is finished loading, JAWS will begin reading the content.
Tap on the Ctrl Key to stop JAWS from reading.
Hold down on the Ctrl Key then (while holding the Ctrl Key) press the O Key.
This opens the internet address window in Internet Explorer.
An internet address is the location of specific web pages.
When the site is finished loading, there will be a pop and JAWS will say Edit.
Type nls bard.
Tap on the H Key for headings until JAWS says Search Results.
Everything below the Search Results heading are the results of your query.
Tap on the H Key until JAWS says BARD Main Page.
Press Enter.
Internet explorer will take you to a new website.
This is the login site for NLS BARD users.
When the site is finished loading, JAWS will begin reading the content.
Tap on the Ctrl Key to stop JAWS from reading.
Tap on the F Key until JAWS says email address.
Type in the email address you used when registering for the BARD service.
Tap on the Tab Key.
Jaws will say Password Colon Edit.
Type in your password.
Tap on the Tab Key.
Jaws will say Login Button.
Press Enter
Internet Explorer will take you to a new website.
This is the Bard Search Page.
Hold on to the Insert Key and tap on the F5 to bring up the Forms List.
Press the Home Key to go to the top of the list.
Tap on the Down Arrow Key until Jaws says Search the Collection.
Press Enter.
Enter the desired search term.
For example, type The Angel’s Game
Angel’s Game is spelled A N G E L apostrophe S, G A M E
Press Enter.
Internet Explorer will display a new webpage.
That webpage is the results page for a search for the Angel’s Game.
Tap on the H key for headings.
JAWS will say BARD Books Containing Keywords: the angel’s game.
Tap on H again.
The website will first display how many books were found with that keyword search in the title.
JAWS will say In the Title (1 book).
Tap on the H again.
JAWS should say the title: The Angel’s Game.
Part 2: Downloading BARD Books.
Hold on to the Insert Key and tap on the F7 to bring up the Links List.
Tap on the Down Arrow Key until JAWS says Download the Angel’s Game DB 69158
Press Enter.
The File Download window will appear.
It will ask if you want to open or save the file.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Save Button.
Press Enter.
The Save As window will appear.
Hold onto the Alt Key and Tap on the I key.
JAWS will say Save In.
Tap on the Up Arrow until JAWS says Desktop.
Press Enter.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Save Button.
Press Enter.
The Download process will begin and could take from several seconds to over a half an hour depending on your internet connection.
After the process is over, the download complete window will appear.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Close.
Press Enter.
You have just downloaded a book to your desktop.
Part 3: Transferring BARD Books to the Victor Reader Stream.
Attach the smaller end of the USB cable into the small rectangular port on the top left-hand side of the player.
Attach the wider end of the USB cable into your computer.
Turn the Victor Reader Stream on.
The Victor Reader Stream will say Welcome to Victor Reader, Player Connected.
Wait for several seconds.
Jaws will announce that the computer has found new hardware.
The computer will also announce new hardware by making ringing sounds.
That new hardware is the Victor Reader Stream.
Most of the time, but not always, a window will appear and JAWS will say This disk or device contains more than one type of content. What do you want Windows to do?
If this window appears, you want to close it.
You may either hold onto the Alt Key and press F4 or,
Tap on the T Key until JAWS says Take No Action and press Enter.
After closing the window, hold on the Windows Key and tap on the M Key to go to the Desktop.
Tap on the S Key until JAWS says Stream Companion.
Press Enter.
JAWS should say Talking Book on PC, List View.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Browse PC.
Press Enter.
Tap on the Up Arrow until JAWS says Desktop.
Press Enter.
Tap on the Tab Key until Jaws says Talking Books on PC List View.
JAWS will also say Not Selected and the title of a book.
If that book is the Angel’s Game, press the Spacebar to select that book.
If not, tap on the Down Arrow until you hear JAWS say Not Selected the Angel’s Game.
After selecting the book by pressing the Spacebar, tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Transfer/Remove Selected Talking Books.
Press Enter.
Now the transfer process should begin and could take several minutes depending on the size of the book.
The Victor Reader Stream companion software will keep users updated on the process by making beeping sounds.
In addition, JAWS will announce periodically the progress of the download process.
After the process is complete tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Close.
Press Enter.
The Victor Reader Stream companion software will note that by closing the software, users will be redirected to the process to safely remove the hardware.
Press Enter.
A new window will open asking which device you wish to remove.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Stop Button.
Press the Space Bar.
A new window will open asking you to confirm that you want to remove the drive.
Tap on the Tab Key until JAWS says Ok Button.
Press Enter.
You can now remove the device.
Turn the Victor Reader Stream off by holding on the power button on the top left-hand side of the player.
Then turn the device back on by using the same button.
The device should say, Welcome to Victor Reader and announce its position.
Press the 1 key until the Victor Reader Stream says talking books.
If The Angel’s Game is not the first book it comes to, press the 6 key until you hear the title.
Press play.
The Victor Reader Should now begin reading the book.